

Empower the creator in you

to ignite your highest potential

When you discover and empower the creator in you it is possible to achieve peak performance and in doing so it you can continue to expand your potential. I will highlight some practical ways to empower the 'creator' in you with a focus on rituals, creative projects, vision boarding, and quantum journeying. Creating isn't just defined by the creativity, it can also be an endeavor / passion/ hobby / sport that is meaningful to an individual. Flow experiences are described as when one is completely immersed in an activity, connected to the present moment, time seems to stand still and as a result can lead to increased happiness, greater creativity, higher intrinsic motivation, and better emotional regulation. I have been a contributing author for four Ignite bestseller books, I will describe the vast difference between the experience of writing for the first book and the rest and how it elevated and expanded my skills and potential as a bonafide author. I will also share how empowering the creator in me led to increased commitment to my creative self, growth in my self-acceptance, enhanced intuition, much synchronicity and alignment of soul purpose resulting in peak performance and ignition of possibilities in many aspects of my work as a therapist, healer, and coach.


We’re looking for people with moving life wisdom to write in our books. We teach you how to leverage a book and be an “authorprenuer,” all while you share your inspiring story in your own chapter. Whether you consider yourself an author or not, we welcome all storytellers and walk you hand in hand on the road to becoming a bestselling author.

See what books Ignite has coming up!


This summer, Ignite founders JB Owen and Peter Giesin are cycling 10,000km coast-to-coast to Ignite Possibilities and raise money for charity. If you want to see what’s possible for you this summer, join our virtual challenge and conquer your own 10,000km by walking, biking, running, swimming, or even READING along!

Learn more on our Challenge page!

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